Sunday, February 24, 2013

Draft Sullivan on Twitter and Social Media Updates in Mass GOP Sen Race

Michael Sullivan spox says it "will be tough" for  candidate to gather 10k signatures   Not sure if related but the Draft Mike Sullivan account has not tweeted in the past three days.... I am sure though that they will reach the 10,000 signatures needed to get on ballot.

Team Winslow campaign has been making twitter plea's to get more Facebook likes so it appears they are looking to beef up their Social media activty and interest. Trendage has been stagnant but good to see a concerted effort to boost that.

Gabriel Gomez has garnered a lot of coverage of his new Camapign video related to canvassing Boston for Signatures.  His kickoff event is 2/28/13 at the Newton Marriott.

Updated Stats for today:

Dan Winslow

Facebook - 2,441, +13
Twitter - 2,392, +0

Gabriel Gomez

Facebook - 3,531, +129
Twitter - 1,054, +70

Michael E Sullivan

Facebook - 874, +33
Twitter - 141, +4

1 comment:

  1. Gabriel Gomez has garnered a lot free instagram followers app of coverage of his new Camapign video related to canvassing Boston for Signatures..
